Premium Infill (PI) – Specialist Grade Silica Sand for Synthetic Sports Surfaces

Are you looking to enhance the performance and longevity of your artificial turf sports surface? Look no further than our Premium Infill (PI) Sand – the ultimate solution for maximising stability, drainage efficiency, and playability.

Premium Infill (PI): Maximise Turf Lifespan With Our Superior Quality Sand

We supply premium silica sand Premium Infill (PI) with an exceptionally high quartz content, low iron and minimal impurities, featuring an optimal particle size. Premium Infill (PI) is thoroughly washed free from silica dust, ensuring unmatched performance and longevity for synthetic sports surfaces.

Choosing the Right Sand for Longevity & Optimal Playability

Selecting the right sand for your pitch infill is crucial, influencing factors like turf resilience and overall playability. With Premium Infill (PI), you can rest assured knowing you’ve chosen a product that exceeds industry standards. Our sand meets FIFA, World Rugby, and FIH requirements, ensuring optimal performance and longevity for your sports surface. Sand adds stability to the turf, helps keep fibres upright, handles considerable wear impact and ensures rapid drainage. But choose the wrong sand, and each element is at risk.

Premium Infill (PI) sand from PST Sport features an exceptionally high silica content sourced from quartz-rich deposits. Our sand is naturally light in colour due to minimal iron content, combined with its sub-angular particle shape and controlled grain size, which guarantees excellent compaction and drainage properties.

PI is a slightly larger grade – 0.3mm to 0.8mm in size, which drops easily into the turf, settling around the fibre tufts and ensuring rapid drainage. It has also been through a thorough washing process before being dried ahead of delivery. This ensures it has less dust than other sands, eliminating the risk of blocked drainage holes in the back of the carpet and less compaction. Premium Infill (PI) can be supplied in different size bags, to suit pitch infilling equipment.

PI Properties

SIEVE RANGE 0.3mm – 0.8mm
GEOLOGY Marine deposit
PARTICLE SHAPE Sub angular & sub rounded
Specially graded infill sand for artificial turf

Why Premium Infill (PI) Stands Out: Unmatched Quality & Performance

Optimal Particle Shape & Natural Controlled Grain Size
Premium Infill (PI) sand features a sieve range from 0.3mm to 0.8mm with sub-angular and sub-rounded grains that interlock for enhanced stability and drainage. Tight grading ensures uncompromised drainage, meeting FIFA, World Rugby, and FIH requirements.

Naturally Light Coloured
With minimal iron content, Premium Infill (PI) remains naturally light in colour, preventing discolouration and maintaining surface accreditation.

Improved Pitch Porosity
Thorough washing eliminates dust, promoting better porosity and minimising compaction for long-term surface performance. Silica dust is considered an issue to health). High dust levels are not only considered an issue to health, but can significantly hinder pitch drainage, leading to potential compaction issues over time.

Flexible Bag Sizes for Convenient Delivery
Choose from various bag sizes for convenient delivery, tailored to your project needs.

Fast Dispatch and Exceptional Customer Service
Benefit from swift dispatch and responsive assistance, ensuring a hassle-free experience for your project needs.

Transform your sports surface with Premium Infill (PI) sand.

Specialist Grade Silica Sand for Synthetic Sports Surfaces
Specialist Grade Silica Sand for Synthetic Sports Surfaces
Specialist grade silica sand for artificial turf sports surfaces
Specialist Grade Silica Sand for Synthetic Sports Surfaces