Despite the sad closure of the Charles Lawrence company, who have been involved in all previous Framework pitches for CCGrass UK and helped us deliver new build pitches across England, the parent company and our official Framework partners, WH Malcolm, have continued to work on the two projects at Newcastle. On these projects, both owned by Newcastle City Council, work is well underway.
The first of the pitches at Bullockstead is a supersize pitch, to be installed with the CCGrass BiPlex AU 52. At this stage, the pitch base has been laid with stone ready for kerbing and the stone for the full size pitch starts coming in next week.
BiPlex AU is a two fibre product, extruded to 17,000 and 16,000 dtex respectively. The two different fibres – AeroX and Ultimate, have their own functions and strengths. AeroX is a heavyweight yarn with a solid profile, designed for its exceptional resilience, whilst Ultimate is a wider blade with a central spine, designed to offer a fuller appearance and a softer feel.
Blakelaw Sports Centre is the second of the two sites, which has been successfully cleared of all end-of-life turf, infill, and shock pad by recycling company Replay Recycling. The 10 HGV loads of been taken to their recycling plant in Hull.
The old pitch base has also been removed along with fencing and floodlights, with the topsoil stripped from additional areas and the balanced cut and fill almost complete.
The CCGrass product to be installed is also the BiPlex AU 52, providing both projects with top quality football pitches.
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